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Monday, June 27, 2016
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Where are All Our Young Families?
A Dozen Tips To Re-Engage Young Families to Church
In the past, the Church attracted generations of families based upon the fact that it was what those generation’s forefathers had done before them, so they just stuck with it. There was always a common bond that tied families to the church including the community in which they lived, economic status, jobs of a similar type, a common race, familial relations etc... In addition, Sunday was considered a Holy Day, one dedicated to rejuvenation and reflection of family and faith. Today, Sundays are considered just one more day in week with retail stores open, scheduled sports games & practices, or perhaps simple the only day to accomplish weekly tasks like yard work, home cleaning and grocery. In short, in 2016, the social, racial and economic bonds of today's young families are gone as is any time for these busy families to rest and reflect. They are different and over-scheduled and wondering "how is going to church relevant to my life?"
Here are a Dozen Tips to help re-engage your young families:
1. Offer Multiple Services
- Families are busy and Sundays are just another day in week, so offer these busy families choices and cater to their limited time. Offer a Saturday 5pm short service, no more than 45 minutes.
2. Offer Sunday School or Crafts for Young Children
- Young parents do not want to have to control and quiet there toddlers or babies for an entire hour. It is stressful and they are more concentrated on occupying their kids, than listening to the message. If your church does not have a traditional Sunday School option during services, arrange a group child-care or craft activity area to keep them busy. It is a bonus if the crafts relate to the lessons of the day!
- One of the marks of a millennial family is that they have a deep desire to make an impact on the world around them. They have a desire to be a part of something bigger than themselves and affect their world in a positive way. But remember, they have only a few hours to contribute so create a church culture of community involvement and develop volunteer signup lists making each job or task short and specific. They want to contribute to a great cause but don't want to take on more than they can handle or disappoint! www.thesignuphub.com can help with online signups.
4. Develop a Community- Engage Friends
- Young families want to spend time with friends, and specifically the families of their children's friends. These friends may be church members, or not. Promote events where young families can bring outside friends. Not only will they be more likely to attend, but you will open your doors to potential new members and promote community bonds and goodwill.
5. Develop Groups & Sermons Specific to Them
- How does this affect me? If young families are constantly listening to messages not specific to them, they become disinterested and unengaged. Create a young mom's group with discussions surrounding "Why Church is Important in 2016 to Your Children?" "How Video Gaming Effects Spirituality" "Importance of Service and College Applications" etc.... OR focus some sermons surrounding parenting, marriage and the Bible.
- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Text Messaging. Yep, that is where most millennial families are tuned into, so it is important for you to be there too! A MUST HAVE position in any active church is a Social Media Manager. Are you promoting and advertising your Sermons? Events? Celebrations? Volunteer Opportunities? Try and fill this position with a young mother or even teen looking for community hours. However, don't be afraid to offer this as a paid part-time position if need be. It is that important!
7. Connect with the Youth
- Every Pastor, Preacher or Priest should open a personal Twitter and Instagram Account specifically for connecting with their youth groups. Send 'Congrats' to youth members that had a great high school soccer game, or attend a middle school function and Instagram yourself there supporting your kids! The kids will feel a greater connection to you, and thus the church! Parents will appreciate the support.
8. Connect with the Men
- Church attendance has been and continues to be primarily the responsibility of the moms, the women of the family. So, how do you connect to the young fathers? Easy...Sports! Young fathers are looking for 'Men Only' activities to temporarily escape from their every day demands and enjoy time with their contemporaries. Establish a church men's softball or basketball team. Try and get neighboring churches involved and play one anther at community fields or gymnasiums. If you build it, they will come!
9. Find the Right Leaders
- Every community has those young Moms or Dads that are leaders in their communities. Typically, they take on the positions on the Town Council or Dept. of Education, PTO President or Fundraising Chairs. These community leaders are often involved in a variety of groups and are influential with the young families you are seeking. So find them in your congregation... and put them to work. Listen to their suggestions and work with them in developing activities and events they are excited to promote. Call them directly and ask for their help.
10. Everyone Wins with Online Pledging
- Fact: when people pay, they will more likely participate. Offer families a recurring monthly online pledging option. By contributing monthly, they will never feel embarrassed to attend services periodically or participate in events. Every month, they reconfirm their commitment to their faith and church. As a church, you will see a marked increase in income, especially from this demographic. Bonus, families can earn bonus points on their credit cards while donating!
- Busy families cannot ofter remember to check calendars or websites for upcoming events. These on-the-go families actually prefer to be told what they are doing each day. Text reminders are the new way families stay informed and on schedule. Some examples... Reminder..you have a Orthodontist Appt at 3pm, Reminder Soccer Practice Monday at 4pm, Reminder: Deliver Brownies to the School on Friday. So, remind them! Send them text reminders about Church Services, Fundraisers, Special Events, etc... maybe even a daily or weekly spiritual quote would be welcomed.
12. Use Technology!
- Today, keeping your congregation informed, involved and PAID-UP is easy with online Volunteer SignUps, Sunday School Registrations, Online Event Registrations, Pledging, and Sales. Check out www.thesignuphub.com and see how we can help for FREE!
Call for More information on getting your Church Connected!
(201)400-7480 or (201)919-0733
Summer Fundraising Ideas:
Fundraising Corner
Summer is a season full of fun, staying up late, taking vacations, and spending time with friends. It can also be the perfect time to volunteer and give back with some simple fundraising ideas. Whether it's your kids or yourself, everyone has a cause that means something to them. Arranging a summer party with a purpose is a wonderful way to keep everyone busy and help those in need. Summer fundraisers can be easy to organize, especially during a time of year when people have more flexible schedulesHere are some summer fundraiser ideas for you and your family to try this summer:
- Have a charitable yard sale: Organize a neighborhood yard sale and donate all the proceeds to your favorite charity or community cause. Send digital invitations from The SignUp Hub with all the details.Plan a barbeque after the sale and get everyone together for some hot dogs, hamburgers, and s'mores. You can also ask a few charities to come to the sale and talk to people about their organizations. Ask people to make a personal contribution as well.
- Volunteer outside: In every community, there are public areas that always need volunteers to help with the upkeep. Talk to your town or city officials and determine where and when you and other party-goers can help the community. It may be picking up trash, building a rock wall, or planting trees. Send digital invitations from The SignUp Hub with all the details. Whatever it is, spend a few hours helping out and then regroup for an outdoor party in someone's backyard. Set up an outdoor movie theater, serve popcorn, and enjoy the warm weather.
End of Year Volunteer Appreciation Ideas

The end of the school year is here and it is time to recognize all the people who have helped make this year successful for your school community. You know how valuable your volunteers are, and you’d do just about anything to make sure they understand this, right? What you need are some easy to organize and inexpensive ideas to make sure your volunteers feel the love. Read on for creative ways to say, “Wow, you’re amazing!”
Low and No Cost Ideas
Thank You Emails Personalize the email – include their name & reference the task they did and tell them how it contributed to the overall success of your organization (Great for 1-time & first time volunteers) For special one-time volunteer events, take pictures, create a photo album on your FB, and include the link in the thank you email
Use Social Media - Thanking Tuesday – Take pictures of your volunteers while doing service Highlight one of your volunteers each Tuesday and tell your social media audience how they are making a difference in your organization! Tag that person if possible Post group pictures on social media after 1-time events
Special Thank You Newsletter- Send out at end of year to ALL of your volunteers Include a coupon to a local store or an invitation to a volunteer appreciation social
Volunteer of the Month - Create a special bulletin board at your organization and feature the volunteer of the month Highlight your volunteer of the month on your organization’s website, in monthly newsletters, on social media, etc.
Volunteer Survival Kit - Band-Aid: For all the aid you provide, Piece of Rope: For when you have reached the end of yours! Rubber Band: To remind you to stay flexible, Crayon: To color your days cheerful and bright, LifeSaver: To remind you that you’re appreciated a “hole” lot, Mint: Because we’re thankful for your commit”mint” , KitKat: For when you need to take a break! Put this all in a small decorated bag.
Volunteer Appreciation Kit - Puzzle Piece: Because without YOU, we wouldn’t be complete!, Paper Clip: Thanks for helping to hold us together!, Rubber Band: Thanks for being flexible!, Smarties: Because you are such a smartie! Thanks for the great ideas!, Mint: Because we’re thankful for your commit”mint”, Tootsie Roll: Thanks for playing such an important “roll” in our organization!, LifeSaver: We appreciate YOU a “hole” lot, Almond Joy: Thanks for all of the joy you bring to our organization! Put this all in a small decorated bag.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Movie Nights
Movie Nights are a great low-key fundraiser for the kids or for the whole family. You can choose to run movies weekly, monthly or even have a great big Movie Picnic in the early Fall or Springtime with a giant outdoor screen! You can go as BIG or as simple as you like. Best Part, everyone loves movies! Just make sure to try and pick an age appropriate movie and best if it is just coming out to DVD. Here is a quick Guide to get you started!
Total Time to Organize: 3 Hours Total # To Organize: 1 Volunteer Range of Earnings: $400-$2500
Start Time: 2+ week minimum before event
Items Needed: ,movie screen, movie video, snacks, speakers, money box & change
Suggested Fee: recommended pricing $5 individual or $25 a family / inside or outside movie
Suggested TIme: Inside Movie:after school or evening /Outdoor Movie: after the sun sets!
Volunteers Needed to Help: minimum of 6 (2 at front door and 4 at concessions)
Helpful Hints:
- Make sure all windows are blocked if inside and light out. If outside, remember to check when sun sets. In the summer it may be too late for an elementary school event. DARKNESS is Important!
- Decide on setting up chairs or having kids/family bring their own lawn chairs, blankets or sleeping bags.
- Have Movie Fridays or a Movie day a Month to increase profit. It is an easy way to bring in fast dollars and the kids like sharing time with one another.
- Pair your Movie Night with a Book Fair or Art Show at school. Families then think they are getting a 2 for 1 event!
- Decide whether you are asking for snack and water donations or buying them. Create signage for sales of snacks. It is sometimes easier to buy large bags of popcorn than to ‘self-pop’ it.
- Think about checkin and checkout procedures for younger children. Adults should probably will be required to sign out children/s.
Step 1 (2 weeks before):
Secure a venue and date for event. Book an outdoor Movie Screen rental if that is your direction. Make sure the movie is family friendly and current. Best events work when a popular movie is just coming out to video. Check online release dates and plan your event accordingly. Fill out necessary paperwork. Decide whether or not Police are needed for control or parking.
Step 2 (2 weeks before):
Download and edit the details of your SIgnUp Hub for only $5. Email out to your group for volunteers. Email out to your families for online ticket sales! Ask for donations online even if the family can’t come!
Step 3 (2 week before):
Create signage for your event and display around the school or community including whom the proceeds are supporting. Make signs large and clear!
Step 4 (Day of Event):
Arrive 1 hour early to set up concessions and ensure movie & speakers are playing correctly.
Open the doors! (Note: Don’t allow too much time between doors open and movie starting. You don’t want to excite or rile up the kids too much before movie time).
Volunteers should be placed at checkin/checkout, bathrooms, and concessions.
Done! Purchase a Movie Hub
Car Wash Fundraiser
A Car Wash is another Easy Fundraiser for your organization to earn quick money! It's also a fun way to get all your members involved and create community goodwill! Here is a quick How To..to get you started!
Total Time to Organize: 3 Hours Total # To Organize: 1 Volunteer Range of Earnings: $750-$2200
Start Time: 2 week minimum before event
Items Needed: minimum 2 power washers, 4 hoses, water supply, 2 split attachment, 50 old towels and rags, 2 large soap, 8 large sponges, 4 buckets, 2 wet vacs (optional for interior cleaning), 12 volunteers on a shift (adults are encouraged to participate), signage, money box & change
Fun Extras: music, food and beverage for workers, uniforms or matching attire
Suggested Fee: recommended donation of $10+ and $15+including vacuum (optional more!)
Suggested TIme: 9am-2pm (schedule 2 shifts of 12 volunteers) 9-11:30am and 11:30-2pm
Step 1 (2 weeks before):
Secure a venue and date for event near a water source. Submit any necessary paperwork.
Suggestions: school, church, temple, community club house
Step 2 (2 weeks before):
Download and edit the details of your SIgnUp Hub for only $5. Email out to your group for volunteer sign-ups!
Step 3 (1 week before):
Create minimum 4 fun signs including CAR WASH and whom it is supporting. Make signs large and clear!
Step 4 (Day of Event):
Arrive 30 minutes early to set up
Alternate 4 volunteers or more on the street (with signs and gimmicks) or in prime spots to drive business
Set Up Wash Stations:
(1) Pay or Donate with Table and adults and moneybox/change (always ask for addt’l donations)
(2) 2 power washers minimum to wet down cars
(3) 4 buckets, sponges & soap to wash car and tires
(4) 2 additional hoses to wash off soap
(5) optional vacuum interior
DONE! Purchase a Car Wash Hub
A Bake Sale is the quickest and easiest way for your organization to raise fast money. Here is a quick overview of what you will need to create a Deliciously profitable event! Try having a few of them throughout the year or season!
Total Time to Organize: 3 Hours Total # To Organize: 1 Volunteer Range of Earnings: $750-$2200
Start Time: 2 week minimum before event
Items Needed: volunteers to bake, signage, labels & markers for pricing, money box & change
Suggested Fee: recommended pricing $0.50- $25 depending on the baked good
Suggested TIme: 9am-2pm (schedule 2 shifts of 5 volunteers each minimum 9-11:30am and 11:30-2pm.
Step 1 (2 weeks before):
Secure a venue and date for event. Local Grocery Stores, School, Sport & Community Events are some suggestions. Submit any necessary paperwork.
Step 2 (2 weeks before):
Download and edit the details of your SIgnUp Hub for only $5. Email out to your group for volunteer baked goods and shift sign-ups!
Step 3 (1 week before):
Create signage for your table including who the proceeds are supporting. Make signs large and clear!
Step 4 (Day of Event):
Arrive 30 minutes early to set up
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